If there is a decision on a claim, assessment, penalty, or worker's status that you do not agree with, you have the right to appeal.
Before starting the process, your first step is to discuss the issue with the person who made the decision. Often, you can resolve the dispute by communicating with the decision maker. You can settle many disagreements at this stage.
If you still disagree with the decision, there are two levels of appeal available:
The First Level of Appeal: The Review Committee – This is the first level of appeal. This is a Committee internal to the WSCC, independent from the Claims Unit, that hears your review. The Committee can maintain, reverse, or change the original decision.
If you still disagree, Second Level of Appeal: The Appeals Tribunal – If you still disagree after the Review Committee's decision, you can request an outside opinion with the Appeals Tribunal. This external board can maintain, reverse, or change the Review Committee's decision.