Media Release: Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission Announces New Program to Recognize and Promote Safer Workplaces

4th Feb 2022

Iqaluit, NU (February 04, 2022) – The Workers’ Safety & Compensation Commission (WSCC) is pleased to announce a new program – Safe Workplace. The Safe Workplace program will recognize employers for their safety performance, while supporting others to improve how they manage and prioritize safety. 

“Employers have a very important role in protecting the health and safety of workers. We have seen how many have stepped-up to help keep employees and communities safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. WSCC’s Safe Workplace program will recognize employers who show a commitment to workplace health and safety, and will encourage others to make safety a core part of how they do business,’” said Hon. Adam Arreak Lightstone, Minister Responsible for the Workers’ Safety & Compensation Commission in Nunavut.

All employers registered with the WSCC can check their status in the program once they submit their Annual Payroll Report (APR) for 2022, which includes a health and safety questionnaire. The annual deadline for that submission to the WSCC is February 28.

To qualify as a Safe Workplace employers must have an active safety program in place and meet the below criteria; 

  • Good standing with WSCC accounts and assessment payments 
  • No outstanding directions issued by the WSCC as part of a workplace inspection
  • No convictions under the Safety Acts or workplace fatalities in the past 12 months
  • Below their class average for time loss for accepted workplace injuries or illnesses claims

Employers who meet the criteria and are accredited by a third party OHS program in the NT or NU (example: Certificate of Recognition COR) will be recognized as an Advanced Safe Workplace, and be considered leaders in their field for safety.

All Safe Workplace employers are listed on WSCC’s online services and will receive a printable certificate and digital badge to display at their worksite or on their website and print materials.  
WSCC will support businesses and employers who have not qualified by identifying areas that the employer needs to look at, and providing information and resources that will help to improve their safety programs.

“Our aim is to support employers to strengthen safety culture in workplaces across the north and prevent injuries or illnesses from happening and lives being lost,” said Debbie Molloy, WSCC President & CEO.

“Tackling a full Occupational Health & Safety program can feel overwhelming for many employers. WSCC’s Safe Workplace program will motivate employers to improve their day-to-day health and safety planning, whether they’re just getting started or want to build on what they already have in place”, said Molloy.

WSCC developed the program based on feedback from employers, occupational health & safety representatives, professional associations, local government and other stakeholders.

To learn more visit


Maggie Collins
Manager, Communications
T: (867) 445-8421
TF: (800) 661-0792 ext. 3854